Monday 4 July 2016


Gazing forlorn into the sky
You cannot help but wonder why
Would many a man be so bold
To never let others in from the cold?

Why does the 1 per cent treat so bad
Those that need yet never have had
The things in life they truely need
Just because they choose to breed?

The newborns are the majority
Yet will still grow old in poverty.
Toiling for, in time; the 1 per cent
Whilst trying to save enough for rent.

Working forever, for those that care not
To this minority we can sit here and rot.
Immoral choices when others can toil
And fall silently from this mortal coil.

The 99 per cent will never win
They could be saved from financial din.
But those above rule with glee
The lives in the grasp of financial insecurity.

Some will wonder where is their recompense
Others may give in via anxiety in sense.
We the many, those the few
On so many levels we pay our dues.

But in the end, it's the way it is
And if you ever find your life in a tizz.
Just remember, you are not alone
Group together, freely roam.

Take to the streets, take to the web
Like a river, flow and ebb.
Do not let our voices be silenced
And finally; avoid confrontations of violence.

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